Nestled along the Railway Corridor, 1932 Story Café is a delightful and pet-friendly stop perfect for trekkers and their furry companions. Located near the historic Bukit Timah Railway Station, this café offers a nostalgic atmosphere with charming vintage décor that harks back to Singapore’s past. You’ll find quirky antiques, old-school furnishings, and a serene outdoor garden area complete with lush greenery and small fish ponds, creating a peaceful retreat after a long walk.
The café serves both local and Western dishes, as well as light bites and refreshing beverages. Their diverse menu ensures there’s something for everyone, whether you’re in the mood for a hearty meal or just a quick snack. The ordering process is streamlined with QR code links at each table, and the efficient staff are known for their friendliness and love for pets, ensuring both you and your pet feel welcomed.
For an extra treat, take some time to explore the now abandoned train tracks and train station. Where you can have some interesting photos taken with your fur buddy waiting for trains that will never arrives or walking on the train tracks that extends to the far distance. With its unique ambiance, pet-friendly outdoor seating, and convenient location, 1932 Story Café makes for a wonderful stop on any outing along the Railway Corridor.